Tag Archives: vocab: under the sea

Vocabs: Under the Sea 5

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河豚 (ふぐ, fugu) – puffer fish; blow fish; fugu; globefish; swellfish 眼梶木 (めかじき, mekajiki) – swordfish (Xiphias gladius); broadbill 梶木 (かじき, kajiki) – marlin; swordfish; spearfish; sailfish 帆立 (ほたて, hotate) – Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis); Yesso scallop 螺貝 (つぶがいt, subugai) – whelk (esp. Neptunea and Buccinum spp.) 雲丹 (うに, uni) – sea urchin; sea urchin eggs 蛍烏賊 (ほたるいか, hotaru ika) – firefly squid (Watasenia scintillans); sparkling enope… Read more »

Vocabs: Under the Sea 4

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浅蜊 (あさり, asari) – Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) 赤貝 (あかがい, akagai) – blood clam (Scapharca broughtonii); ark shell 蛸 (たこ, tako) – octopus 海獺 (らっこ, rakko) – sea otter (Enhydra lutris) 鰻 (うなぎ, unagi) – eel (esp. the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica) 平目 (ひらめ, hirame) 1. flounder (esp. the large-tooth flounders of family Paralichthyidae, but also lefteye flounders of family Bothidae) 2. bastard halibut;… Read more »

Vocabs: Under the Sea 3

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海月 (くらげ, kurage) – jellyfish 蟹 (かに, kani) – crab 海鼠 (なまこ, namako) – sea cucumber (Holothuroidea spp.) 海馬 (かいば, kaiba) 1. seahorse; sea horse 2. walrus 竜の落し子 (たつのおとしご, tatsu no oto shigo) – seahorse; sea horse This is an interesting name for sea horse. It literally means ‘fallen child of the dragon’. 海豹 (あざらし, azarashi) – true seal (animal); earless seal 海驢… Read more »

Vocabs: Under the Sea 2

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貝類 (かいるい, kairoi) – shellfish  貝 (かい, kai) – shell; shellfish 魚介類 (ぎょかいるい, gyokairoi) – marine products; seafood; fish and shellfish 類 (るい, roi) means type, sort, kind… So 貝類 refers to all the various types of shellfish, and 魚介類 refers to all the various types of fish. 鮪 (まぐろ, maguro) – Tuna (Thunnus spp.) 魬 (はまち, hamachi) – young Japanese amberjack; young yellowtail 鯖… Read more »

Vocabs: Under the Sea 1

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海 (うみ, umi) – sea; ocean; waters 海面 (かいめん, kaimen) – sea level; (surface of) sea 海洋底 (かいようてい, kaiyoutei) – ocean floor; sea floor; seabed 藻場 (もば, moba) – seaweed bed; seaweed forest 魚 (さかな, sakana) – fish 鮫 (さめ, same) – shark 海がめ (うみがめ) – sea turtle 珊瑚 (さんご, sango) – coral 海老 (えび, ebi) – prawn; shrimp; lobster; crayfish 海星 (ひとで, hitode) – starfish; sea star;… Read more »