Tag Archives: flashcards

Vocabs: Arashi songs – Fly

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Fly is one of the coupling songs in the Limited Edition single of GUTS by Arashi. I really love this song, the tune is catchy and upbeat. It’s my favourite out of all the tracks in GUTS, coming a close second would be GUTS though. The single was released in 2014, you can still get the LE from PlayAsia, whereas… Read more »

Vocabs: Fruits and Vegetables 1

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果物 (くだもの, kudamono) – fruits 野菜 ( やさい, yasai) – vegetables りんご (ringo) – apple 梨 (なし, nashi) – pear オレンジ (orangi) – orange レモン (remon) – lemon トマト (tomato) – tomato 鰐梨 (わになし, waninashi) – avocado; alligator pear アボカド (abogato) – avocado 西瓜 (すいか, suika) – watermelon メロン (meron) – melon 胡瓜 (きゅうり, kyuuri) – cucumber   See also: Part 2 and… Read more »

Learn more with Flashcards!

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It’s here! I’ve finished making and embedding the flashcards on all the Themed Vocabulary lists! The flashcards are powered by Quizlet, and I’ve tried to include photographs wherever possible. The great thing about Quizlet is that you don’t just have Flashcards, you also have learn and test modes. There’s also some fun games such as the spacemode and scatter –… Read more »

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 3

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虫螻 (むしけら, mushikera) – worm; insect 回虫 (かいちゅう, kaichuu) – roundworm  蚯蚓 (みみず, mimizu) – earthworm 百足 (むかで, mukade) – centipede 馬陸 (やすで, yasude) – millipede 蝿 (はえ, hae) – fly 蛾 (が, ga) – moth 猩猩蠅 (しょうじょうばえ, shoijyoi hae) – fruit fly (any insect of family Drosophilidae); vinegar fly; pomace fly; banana fly 蛆虫 (うじむし, ujimushi) – maggot 水黽 (あめんぼ, amenbo) – pond… Read more »

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 2

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Back with more bugs and insects! Check out part 1 and part 3 as well! 飛蝗 (ばった, batta) – grasshopper 蝶 (ちょう, chou) – butterfly 芋虫 (いもむし, imo mushi) – hornworm (caterpillar of a hawk moth); (hairless) caterpillar 裸虫 (はだかむし, hadaka mushi) – caterpillar (esp. hairless) 毛虫 (けむし, kemushi) – hairy caterpillar; woolly bear 油虫 (あぶらむし, aburamushi) – aphid 蟋蟀 (こおろぎ, koorogi) – cricket… Read more »

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 1

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虫 (むし, mushi) – insect; bug; cricket; moth; worm 昆虫 (こんちゅう, konchuu) – insect; bug 蟻 (あり, ari) – ant 白蟻 (しろあり, shiroari) – termite; white ant 蜚蠊 (ごきぶり, gokiburi) – cockroach てんとう虫 (てんとうむし, tentou mushi) – ladybug; ladybird 蜂 (はち, hachi) – bee; wasp; hornet 蛍 (ほたる, hotaru) – firefly; lightning bug; glowworm 甲虫 (かぶとむし, kabutomushi) – rhinoceros beetle 蜻蛉 (とんぼ, tonbo) – dragonfly; damselfly… Read more »

Vocabs: Animals Part 3

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縞馬 (しまうま, shimauma) – zebra ゼブラ (zebura) – zebra 箆鹿 (へらじか, berajika) – moose (Alces alces); elk 大鹿 (おおじか, oojika) – 1. large deer 2. moose; elk; red deer ムース (muusu) – moose ライオン (raion) – lion チンパンジー (chinpanji) – chimpanzee 黒猩々(くろしょうじょう, kuroshoujyou) – chimpanzee 猩々 (しょうじょう, shoujyou) – orangutan ゴリラ (gorira) – gorilla 亀 (かめ, kame) – tortoise カンガルー (kangaruu) – kangaroo 孔雀… Read more »

Vocabs: Types of Transport

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車 (くるま, kuruma) – car; vehicle バス (basu) – bus 電車 (でんしゃ, densha) – train; electric train 地下鉄 (ちかてつ, chikatetsu) – underground train; subway 新幹線 (しんかんせん, shinkansen) – bullet train 自転車 (じてんしゃ, jitensha) – bicycle 一輪車 (いちりんしゃ, ichirinsha) – unicycle 三輪車 (さんりんしゃ, sanrinsha) – three wheeled vehicle (tricycle, motorcycle, etc.); three wheeler トラック (torakku) – truck バイク (baiku) – motorcycle;… Read more »

Vocabs: Sports

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スポーツ (supootsu) – Sports 野球 (やきゅう, yakyuu) – Baseball サッカー (sakkaa) – Soccer バレーボール (bareebooru) – Volleyball ホッケー (hokkee) – Hockey ボーリング (booringu) – Bowling 卓球 (たっきゅう, takkyuu) – Table tennis バスケットボール (basukettobooru) – Basketball Often abbreviated as バスケ (basuke) 剣道 (けんどう, kendou) – Kendo 柔道 (じゅうどう, juudou) – Judo 相撲 (すもう, sumou) – Sumo wrestling バドミントン (badominton) – Badminton… Read more »

Vocabs: Colors

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Colors! Some colors have more than one way of saying them, mainly the proper Japanese way, and the adapted from English, katakana way. 色 (いろ, iro) – color 青 (あお, ao) – blue 緑 (みどり, midori) – green 黄色 (きいろ, kiiro) – yellow 白 (しろ, shiro) – white 黒 (くろ, kuro) – black 赤 (あか, aka) – red 茶色 (ちゃいろ,… Read more »