Author Archives: Coolohoh

Nintendo to Unveil Pokemon game for mobile

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If there’s any RPG that I love the most, it’ll be Nintendo’s Pokemon series. From the days I’ve spent looking over people’s shoulders to watch them play on their gameboy… to all the times I tried (unsuccessfully) to convince my parents to buy me one. There’s something about that catch ’em all, grind, and beat ’em all concept that just… Read more »

Perfume is on Apple’s iPhone 6s Advertisement!

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Apple fans might know this already… but the Japanese electropop sensation Perfume appeared on Apple’s new iPhone 6s advertisement! I was watching the keynote last night, when Apple showed off their new iPhone ad. And for a split second (ok, just a tad exaggerated, but it really was just a fleeting glimpse), I thought I saw three girls with the… Read more »

Vocabs: Fruits and Vegetables 2

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Check out Part 1 and Part 3 as well. 苺 (いちご, ichigo) – strawberry ブラックベリー (burakkuberii) – blackberry ブルーベリー (buruuberii) – blueberry 桜桃 (さくらんぼ, sakuranbo) – cherry 芒果 (マンゴー, mangoo) – mango パパイア (papaia) – papaya バナナ (banana) – banana ドラゴンフルーツ(doragon furuutsu) – dragon fruit じゃが芋 (じゃがいも, jyagaimo) – potato 芋 (いも, imo) – tuber; taro; potato さつま芋 (さつまいも, satsumaimo) –… Read more »

2016 Anime and Manga Calendars Available for Pre-orders

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It’s September and we are steadily marching into the last quarter of 2015. It’s three month till 2016 rolls around… but it never hurts to prepare ahead of time right? Pre-orders for 2016 calendars are up on CDJapan, and I headed over to check them out. There’s ton of calendars available for pre-orders, with genres ranging from anime/manga, to cute… Read more »

Vocabs: Sakurai Sho’s Josei Jishin 15th Sept 2015 Interview

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Some pick up vocabs from Arashi’s Sakurai Sho magazine interview in Josei Jishin (女性自身) 15th Sept 2015. The interview basically asked Sho for his views on marriage, and his idea life partner. 結婚 (けっこん, kekkon) – marriage 結婚式 (けっこんしき, kekkonshiki) – marriage ceremony; wedding; nuptials 独身 (どくしん, dokushin) – bachelorhood; single; unmarried; celibate 夫婦 (ふうふ, fuufu) – married couple; spouses;… Read more »

JPOP: Arashi’s new album, Japonism to be released on the 21st of Oct 2015

So… Arashi’s new album has been announced! The album is titled “Japonism (ジャポニズム)”, and will be released on the 21st of October. What’s Japonism? I turned to good ol’ wikipedia to find out: Japonism (from the French Japonisme, first used in 1872) is the influence of Japanese art, fashion and aesthetics on Western culture. The term is used particularly to… Read more »

Japanese Through Songs!

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Heeey! This is my first ever contribution to our site! (wooah~) And this entry will be all about learning Japanese! Like J, I’m also a beginner in learning Japanese, despite my 10 years of exposure to anime, manga, and doramas. But I have always been content with subtitles, that I never really bothered to learn. All throughout the years, I… Read more »

Vocabs: Fruits and Vegetables 1

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果物 (くだもの, kudamono) – fruits 野菜 ( やさい, yasai) – vegetables りんご (ringo) – apple 梨 (なし, nashi) – pear オレンジ (orangi) – orange レモン (remon) – lemon トマト (tomato) – tomato 鰐梨 (わになし, waninashi) – avocado; alligator pear アボカド (abogato) – avocado 西瓜 (すいか, suika) – watermelon メロン (meron) – melon 胡瓜 (きゅうり, kyuuri) – cucumber   See also: Part 2 and… Read more »

Kanji Spotlight: Of trees, books and lumber

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I got a whiteboard sometime back, and since I love writing on whiteboards, here are three words that I’ll highlight… The first kanji we’re looking at is 木, meaning tree or wood. As you can see in the second kanji, by adding a single stroke, we get 本, meaning book.  The 木 kanji can also be used as a radical, as seen in… Read more »

Book/Guide: Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar

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Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar is one of the best, general use Japanese grammar guides I’ve seen. The guide caters to learners of all different levels, from the very new beginners, to the advanced learners. I’ve been reading the guide myself for some time and I’ve found it to be very informative. Practice exercises and reviews are available too,… Read more »