Blog: Greetings and updates

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Hi folks! So I’ve trying to get back on track with regular updates for the site. I’m aiming for at least two updates a month… (Ideally it’ll be a weekly thing, but well…) Maybe something short, just a simple vocabularly item, or well, anything at all.

It’s been one heck of a year, and so much has changed. For one, I have (yet another) new job. And… J, one of my besties in my foray into Japanese culture, is now studying Japanese in Tokyo – hence the previous post about pork and discounts.

Despite the lack of new posts previously, I’ve been actively updating the Arashi ni Shiyagare and Gutto Sports episode guides. Sure I could rush ahead with the Gutto Sports episode guide and basically just do a translation from Wikipedia… But alas for the Shiyagare episode guide, since I’m putting in segment information, I actually have to watch the episodes to fill in the guide. Oh wells. I’ll keep at it though. Just letting you know that those pages ARE actually being updated and they are NOT abandoned!

That’s all for this short status update post, I’ll see ya around soon!