Tag Archives: vocab: bugs and insects

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 3

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虫螻 (むしけら, mushikera) – worm; insect 回虫 (かいちゅう, kaichuu) – roundworm  蚯蚓 (みみず, mimizu) – earthworm 百足 (むかで, mukade) – centipede 馬陸 (やすで, yasude) – millipede 蝿 (はえ, hae) – fly 蛾 (が, ga) – moth 猩猩蠅 (しょうじょうばえ, shoijyoi hae) – fruit fly (any insect of family Drosophilidae); vinegar fly; pomace fly; banana fly 蛆虫 (うじむし, ujimushi) – maggot 水黽 (あめんぼ, amenbo) – pond… Read more »

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 2

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Back with more bugs and insects! Check out part 1 and part 3 as well! 飛蝗 (ばった, batta) – grasshopper 蝶 (ちょう, chou) – butterfly 芋虫 (いもむし, imo mushi) – hornworm (caterpillar of a hawk moth); (hairless) caterpillar 裸虫 (はだかむし, hadaka mushi) – caterpillar (esp. hairless) 毛虫 (けむし, kemushi) – hairy caterpillar; woolly bear 油虫 (あぶらむし, aburamushi) – aphid 蟋蟀 (こおろぎ, koorogi) – cricket… Read more »

Vocabs: Bugs and Insects 1

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虫 (むし, mushi) – insect; bug; cricket; moth; worm 昆虫 (こんちゅう, konchuu) – insect; bug 蟻 (あり, ari) – ant 白蟻 (しろあり, shiroari) – termite; white ant 蜚蠊 (ごきぶり, gokiburi) – cockroach てんとう虫 (てんとうむし, tentou mushi) – ladybug; ladybird 蜂 (はち, hachi) – bee; wasp; hornet 蛍 (ほたる, hotaru) – firefly; lightning bug; glowworm 甲虫 (かぶとむし, kabutomushi) – rhinoceros beetle 蜻蛉 (とんぼ, tonbo) – dragonfly; damselfly… Read more »