Blog: 天気 and more

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Hurrah to the first blog entry on Nihongo Manabu. Here’s a random post about the weather (originally posted in Oct 2014), my first attempt at typing an entry in Japanese.




I’m too lazy to translate this into English however…

Some updates regarding the site.

I’ve some posts lined up and scheduled for the next two weeks or so while I’m on holiday. Just some vocab lists. It’s going to take me much longer to come up with proper lessons.

I do have a lot planned for the site though. Unfortunately the Japanese lessons require much more time and effort to finish… but I do hope to put up some reading practices before that. I’ve got a few short conversations written out for it already, just need some time to polish up the post after my holidays. Bad news though, is that I need a plugin to be able to add furigana to my text. And I need for that.

Future plans:
– Moving to and getting our own domain
– Adding flashcards, quizzes and practice questions
– Furigana for reading practices

Alright. That’s all for now, it’s holiday time!

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