Vocabs: VSA tweets (12th Mar to 10th May)

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Some pick up vocabs from the tweets.

活躍 (かつやく, katsuyaku)
1. activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service
2. to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role

取材 (しゅざい, Shuzai)
1. news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for media)
2. interview

You often would hear this word on news programs. Like when the news caster (Say, Sakurai Sho) goes to interview a particular person, or cover a particular event for the news program.

背負う (せおう, seou)
1. to be burdened with; to take responsibility for; to carry on back or shoulder
2. to have (something) in the background; to be in front (of something)

The -te form of the word was used in the tweet.

満載 (まんさい, mansai)
1. fully loaded; full load; loaded condition

総決算 (そうけっさん, soukessan)
1. complete financial statement
2. summing up; concluding

盛りだくさん (もりだくさん, moridakusan) Also: 盛り沢山
1. many; varied; all sorts; crowded

沢山 (takusan) on it’s own means a lot; plenty.

The 盛 kanji on it’s own means boom, prosper, copulate, and that meaning of bloom and prosper (something being full, spilling over) does carry over to when the word is being used as a suffix.
盛り上がる (moriagaru)
1. to swell; to rise; to bulge; to be piled up
Or more commonly, we see this word being used in variety shows as per it’s second definition:
2. to rouse; to get excited

You can imagine excitement as an object, piling up and spilling over.

There’s also:
盛り付け (moritsuke)
1. arrangement of food (on a dish); serving of (arranged) food

Again, filling up on food on a dish.

真剣 (しんけん, shinken)
1. seriousness; earnestness
2. real sword (as opposed to unsharpened or wooden practice weapon)

We hardly see definition being used… it’s usually the first definition that we see. I guess originally this word only had no. 2 as the definition – that’s what the kanji literally means. But it’s easy to see how the other definition came about. Using a real blade as opposed to a practice weapon could only mean one thing: You’re really, darn serious now.

冒頭 (ぼうとう, boutou)
1. beginning; start; outset

That’s all for the vocabs today!