Vocabs: Taste your food

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Ah the food of life! We all eat. To get nutrients, to satisfy our hunger… But how do you describe food in Japanese? This list will teach you just that.

味覚 (かく, mikaku) – taste; palate; sense of taste

味 (あじ, aji) – flavor; flavour; taste

What’s the difference between 味覚 and 味? 味覚 is referring to yourself, your sense of taste, whereas 味 is referring to the food, the taste of the food, the flavors. So don’t get it mixed up! XD

塩っぱい (しょっぱい, shouppai) – salty

辛い (からい, karai) – spicy; hot

酸っぱい (すっぱい, suppai) – sour; acidic

甘い (あまい, amai) – sweet-tasting; sweet; sugary; sugared
Note that there are many other meanings of 甘い. When used to describe a person, it would mean that person is naive; overly optimistic; soft on; generous; indulgent; easy-going; lenient.

苦い (にがい, nigai) – bitter

旨味 (うまみ, umami)
1. good flavor (flavour); good taste; deliciousness
2. umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates)

辛口 (からくち, kara kuchi) – dry taste (eg. in sake, wine, and other alcoholic beverages) 

美味しい (おいしい, oishii) – delicious; tasty; sweet

不味い (まずい, masui) – unappetising; unappetizing; unpleasant (taste, appearance, situation)

Definitions are taken from jisho.org.