Vocabs: AnShi 29th Aug 2015 edition

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Ok. I picked out a really long list of vocabs from this episode. Probably the longest I’ve done so far from a single episode…. As usual, the vocabs are in order of appearance in the show, so that it’s easier for you to spot the word when it’s used in the show.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching this episode. From the shouting of bugs while eating spicy food, to watching Ohno make a birthday present for Jun… to Jun being completely freaked out in the haunted house. This episode is definitely worth watching!

Definitions from jisho,org and weblio.jp.

頑張り屋 (がんばりや, ganbariya) – someone who battles on in difficult circumstances

Okada praises Yaotome for being a “頑張り屋”.

ロンダート (rondaato) – roundoff (gymnastics)

Miyake and his roundoffs…. XD The Japanese literally translates to round out in English…. but the move is actually called roundoff in English.


バク転 (バクてん, bakuten) – backward somersault; back handspring; backflip

側転 (そくてん, sokuten) – cartwheel

くねる (kuneru) – to bend loosely back and forth; to wriggle; to be crooked

Roundoff is something like is twisted cartwheel.

逆ギレ (ぎゃくギレ, gyaku gire) – being angry at someone who would normally be angry at you; situation wherein the offender is angry at the victim

Inohara’s 逆ギレ incidents with Ohno and Aiba.

魂消る (たまげる, tamageru) – to be astonished; to be startled; to be appalled

Yamada was astonished/amazed by Aiba’s abdominal muscles.

選手権 (せんしゅけん, senshuken) – championship; title (of champion)

The spicy food eating + sweating championship they had with Takenaka Naoto-san.

誇る (ほこる, hokoru) – to boast of; to be proud of

Takenaka Naoto – one of the actors the Japanese movie industry is proud of. That guy really acts all sorts of roles really well. In particular all the funny/strange characters. He’s a genius at it I tell you.

滅法 (めっぽう, meppou) – extraordinary; absurd; very; in chaos; incoherent

目がない (めがない, meganai) – extremely fond of; having a weakness for

can mean eye/sight… but don’t be fooled! This phrase does not mean “have no eyes!” Rather, think of it as something like “can’t turn your eyes away from XXX”.

序の口 (じょのくち, jyo no kuchi) – this is only the beginning (the real work having yet to begin)

じょ here means order (as in a list of things), and くち means start. So together, it means that something is only at the very start of the list, or the very beginning.

刻む (きざむ, kizamu)
1. to mince; to cut fine; to chop up; to hash; to shred
2. to carve; to engrave; to chisel; to notch
3. to tick away (time); to record the passing moments
4. to etch (into one’s mind); to remember distinctly

A word with multiple meanings! (Including two other archaic uses not included here.) In the show, they used to when talking about minced chilli peppers.

本場 (ほんば, honba)
1. home; habitat; center; centre; best place
2. authentic; genuine

I hear this being used to mean authentic/genuine a lot more then home on variety shows. Maybe it’s just the shows I watch or something… Anyway, in this episode, they were talking about how the authentic the Mabo Tofu dish is.

選りすぐる (えりすぐる, erisuguru) – to choose the best

香辛料 (こうしんりょう, koushinryou) – spices; condiment

Loads of spices used in the various dishes they tried!

手元 (もと, temoto)
1. at hand; on hand; nearby; close at hand
2. way of moving one’s arms; skill
3. money at hand; pocket money
4. grip; handle

In the show, it was used as an adverb – use the towel close at hand to wipe their sweat.

拘わる (こだわる, kodawaru)
1. to fuss over; to be particular about
2. to be obsessive; to be fixated

Something that Takenaka fusses over when eating spicy food – yell out names of insects instead of complaining that it’s spicy.

鍬形 (くわがた, kuwagata) – stag beetle

Ok, here comes a whole slew of bugs! Some of them have already been mentioned in the themed vocabs posts before, but many are new!

甲虫 (かぶとむし, kabutomushi) – rhinoceros beetle (esp. the Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Trypoxylus dichotomus)

螳螂 (かまきり, kamakiri) – praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis)

金蚊 (かなぶん, kanabun) – drone beetle (scarabaeid beetle) (Rhomborrhina japonica)

苦悶 (もん, kumon) – anguish

Ohno and his anguished look when eating the ‘death udon.’

大鍬形 (おおくわがた, ookuwagata) – giant stag beetle (Dorcus hopei)

蝉 (せみ, semi) – cicada; locust

お絞り (おしぼり, oshibori) – wet towel (supplied at table); hot, moistened hand towel

Ohno wiped his running nose on a wet towel.

途轍もない (てつもない, todetsumonai)
1. extravagant; absurd; unbelievable; preposterous; unreasonable
2. enormous; tremendous; extraordinary; monumental

ざらつく (zaratsuku) – to be rough feeling

皇室 (こうしつ, koushitsu) – Imperial household (of Japan)

由緒正しい (ゆいしょただしい, yuishotadashi) – having an ancient and honorable origin

The hat shop that Ohno visited is a really famous shop with a long and honorable history. That have been patronised by many celebrities, and even the Imperial household.

収める (おさめる, osameru)
1. to dedicate; to make an offering; to pay (fees)
2. to supply
3. to store
4. to finish; to bring to a close
5. to restore (something to its place)
6. to achieve (e.g. a result)

Again in the same sentence of the video – the shop supplies hat to celebrities and the Imperial household.

画鋲 (びょう, gabyou) – drawing pin; thumb tack

They used thumb tacks to hold the material in place on the mold to shape the hat.

風通し (かぜとおし, kazetooshi)
1. ventilation
2. communication (within an organisation); openness

The shop owner helpfully suggests that Ohno can use ‘it’s good ventilation’ as an excuse to explain to MatsuJun why the hat is so thin (if the end product failed that way). Good thing Ohno didn’t have to use it.

窯 (かま, kama) – stove; furnace; kiln

After stretching and securing the material for the hat on the mold, it’s time to dry it in the furnace.

装飾 (そうしょく, soushoku) – ornament

Ohno comments that Jun always promises to use the hats he gifted as ornaments/decorations. (Not for wearing!) But Ohno believes Jun doesn’t even do that. Poor Oh-chan! 😛

仕上げ (あげ, shiage) – end; finishing touches; being finished
顔が濃い (かおがこい, kaogakoi)
Ok. This phrase is not found in jisho.org, though it’s a common Japanese phrase. It means having strong (or deep set) facial features. (Actual phrase used in the video was かおさ.)

鬱陶しい (うっとうしい, uttoushi)
1. gloomy (e.g. mood); depressing
2. irritating; troublesome
3. heavy (weather); cloudy

MJ doesn’t like haunted houses. Well, he’s just scared… but he claims they are irritating/troublesome. Because he’s just the kind of person who likes to act cool… made more so by the theme of his segment.

清め (きよめ, kiyome) – purification

The MJ Girl and her purification salt. XD

戦慄 (せんりつ, senritsu) – shudder; shiver; tremble with fear; horrible; terrible; hair-raising

MJ, and the hair-raising maze.

修行 (しゅぎょう, shugyou)
1. ascetic practices (Buddhist term)
2. training; practice; discipline; study

MJ and his haunted house training.

頼もしい (たのもしい, tanomoshii) – reliable; trustworthy; hopeful; promising

The MJ Girl thought MJ was reliable… but nah, he’s just acting cool and lying.

入念 (にゅうねん, nyuunen) – careful; elaborate; scrupulous

保険 (けん, hoken) – insurance; guarantee

Because right after boasting, MJ carefully laid out excuses – as some sort of insurance/safety net so that his pride won’t come all crashing down when he fails.

突入 (とつにゅう, totsunyuu)
1. rushing into; breaking into; storming
2. plunging into (war, etc.); embarking on (a new venture)

無数 (すう, mosuu) – countless number; infinite number; innumerable

There are countless number of traps set up in the Fuji Q haunted house, waiting to scare the daylights out of the next victim.

レントゲン (rentogen)
1. X-ray
2. roentgen (unit of ionizing radiation)

This is an abbreviation for レントゲンせん. It’s named after the man who invented it, Wilhelm Röntgen (Thanks to frutsen for the info!). A more common word for X-ray though, is X線エックスせん. せん means line, ray etc, so that makes much more sense.

関門 (かんもん, kanmon) – barrier; gateway

襲う (おそう, osou)
1. to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down
2. to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.)
3. to make a sudden visit

What do you get in a haunted house? Zombies and all sorts of ghosts assaulting you of course.

取り乱す (とりみだす, torimidasu)
1. to put in disorder; to mess up; to disturb; to scatter about
2. to be upset; to lose one’s composure; to lose self-control; to go to pieces; to be shaken up; to break down; to be flustered; to blow one’s cool

MJ and the MJ girl broke down when the door wouldn’t open. 🙂

自尊心 (そんしん, jisonshin) – (spirit of) self-respect; self-importance; conceit; pride

At the end of it all, the staff decided to let Jun do a special segment to regain his pride – have him scare other people instead.

仕組み (くみ)
1. structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance
2. plan; plot; contrivance


Girls at fake street interview: Answers questions faithfully
MJ sticks hands out of the box and scares them
Girls: So that was the plan…
MJ reveals himself

満悦 (まんえつ, manetsu) – great delight; rapture

The pure look of bliss on Jun’s facing after having girls fawn over him… XD

街頭 (がいとう, gaitou) – in the street

MJ did make tons of mistakes (uncool moves) listed by interviewees in the street interview. But oh wells. MJ will be MJ.


Ok, that’s the end of a very long list! (Which too me really long to compile and write up!)

6 thoughts on “Vocabs: AnShi 29th Aug 2015 edition

  1. frutsen

    Thank you for this list! I recently found your website and it’s so helpful!

    As for why X-Ray is what it is in Japanese, it’s actually named after the man who invented it, Wilhelm Röntgen. 🙂

    1. coolohoh Post author

      OH! That makes so much more sense! *smacks forehead* Thanks for the info!

      I’m glad you found the list helpful!

      1. frutsen

        I’ve forgotten a lot of my Japanese but that little factoid stuck in my head. 🙂 I think it’s a bit of a trend to name things after their inventors. ホッチキス is named after the E.H.Hotchkiss Company that first made staplers (my Japanese teacher somehow knew a lot about inventors!)

        And the lists really are brilliant. I understand intermediate level of Japanese but my vocabulary is really textbooky and it’s so, so tiring pausing and looking up all the words I don’t know. So thank you very much for taking on the tedium for us! 🙂

        1. coolohoh Post author

          Oh wow, I’ll have to keep that in mind the next time I come across weird Japanese words/names! Now that you mentioned it, I think I’ve come across some examples before… I guess people just started calling it by the brand name and it stuck. (Thinks of how 1.5 ml tubes are often called ‘Eppendorf tubes’ because Eppendorf (a brand) made the tubes. A science reference, not sure if you understand…)

          I do have to check up many words each time (even if it’s just to double check my understanding sometimes), so I took to recording down the words and eventually making a list out of them. I’m glad you like it!

          Yes! Watching shows is really a good learn to learn new vocabs. I kinda have the opposite problem. I don’t know some of the ‘textbooky’ vocabs even say for N3, because they aren’t used much in varieties. On the other hand, when I check up vocabs (for the list, or just to find alternative words for use in translation), I get surprised when the words are marked and N1 level. To me it’s really easy since they often use it in shows.

          1. frutsen

            I did have to Google Eppendorf tubes. Pointy!
            I started watching variety shows at the beginning of the year because I got too sick to continue going to classes and I can tell my vocabulary is starting to shift away from textbooky stuff. Grammar, too, for better or worse. I used to have an impossible time readig shonen manga because of all the abbreviatuons and slang and whatnot so I just gave up. Six months of watching Arashi everyday and it’s become a breeze. Thank you, adult men, for behaving like teenaged hooligans. 🙂 Unfortunately, my brain now defaults to casual, slangy Japanese instead of the lovely, polite stuff my teacher drilled into me.

            I’ll definitely be studying yor lists before watching eps, now. 🙂 Oh, how I wish class had been filled with this instead of those weird DVDs that come with textbooks!

          2. coolohoh Post author

            Haha! Me too. If I actually get to have a proper Japanese convo with someone… well maybe not at the start, but after a while… I’ll totally not be using keigo (when I probably should be), and I might end up saying things like ‘boku’ instead of the polite ‘watashi’ expected of girls. What can I do? When my teachers are 5 boys? 😛 Yes, my brain totally defaults to casual too.

            I’m not sure which is a better way… read the lists before, or after… whichever works for you! I try to put in a few words about where the word appeared in… provided I even remember (or am not too lazy). For this list, I had to rewatch to find my vocabs (and still didn’t find all of them). Sometimes I just take too long to sub (or even go through subs) for my own good ><

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