Vocabs: AnShi 1st Jan to 7th Feb tweets

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Definitions from jishop.org

作詞 (さくし, sakushi)
1. (writing) song lyrics.

授業 (じゅぎょう, jyugyou)
1. Lesson; class work; teaching; instruction.

開講 (かいこう, kaikou)
1. Holding a course (of lectures); offering a course.
2. Beginning a series of one’s lectures; starting a new course.

究極 (きゅうきょく, kyuu kyoku)
1. Ultimate; extreme; final; eventual.

引っ張りだこ (ひっぱりだこ, hipparidako)
1. Being very popular; being in great demand.
2. Octopus dried on skewers.