Perfume is on Apple’s iPhone 6s Advertisement!

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Apple fans might know this already… but the Japanese electropop sensation Perfume appeared on Apple’s new iPhone 6s advertisement!

I was watching the keynote last night, when Apple showed off their new iPhone ad. And for a split second (ok, just a tad exaggerated, but it really was just a fleeting glimpse), I thought I saw three girls with the likeliness of Perfume.

I’m not a Perfume fan per-say, so I had to double check on the Internet to be sure.

Lo and behold, plenty of news articles are out already (such as this and this) about the ad.

So here’s my share of screencaps from the ad.

Perfume appears in Apple iPhone 6s ad

Perfume appears in Apple iPhone 6s ad

Perfume appears in Apple iPhone 6s ad

I took it off the entire keynote address (which you can watch on their website). Just watch the entire thing and you’ll see it. Nah, just joking… Their appearances are in 121:38 and 121:54… But well, the whole keynote is kinda long, so why don’t you just spare a minute watch the iPhone 6s ad below?

They appear at 0:26 and 0:42.

I was pleasantly surprised by this. Not that I’m surprised about how Perfume got in the ad and not some other JPOP artist… I’m surprised that any Japanese idol was included at all. With Apple being a US company and all… Even right now they are more focused on the Chinese market than anywhere else. Still, I’m really glad they got on the ad! Hopefully that gives JPOP just a teeny bit more exposure.

I’m sure Perfume fans all over the world would be happy to see this ad. Just imagine the amount of people who’d see this ad… Apple airs it all over the world, and they have some much advertising power.

Well now, I mentioned earlier that I’m not a fan of Perfume per-say. I don’t follow them as I do with Arashi (I’m biased after all), but I have watched a number of their live performances and I enjoy their songs. My favourite would be their catchy hit ‘Chocolate Disco’.

In other news, Perfume released a DVD of their “Perfume WORLD TOUR 3rd” concert in July. The concert includes talks from their performances all over the world. Including Singapore! (It’s the concert I didn’t get to go to!)

They are also releasing a new Single titled “Star Train” on the 28th of October. Looking forward to see what songs they come up with this time!

CDJapan: Perfume WORLD TOUR 3rd (Bluray)
Play Asia: Perfume WORLD TOUR 3rd (Bluray)
CDJapan: Perfume WORLD TOUR 3rd (DVD)
Play Asia: Perfume WORLD TOUR 3rd (DVD)



Perfume Star Train RE


CDJapan: Star Train (Regular Edition)



Perfume Star Train LE


CDJapan: Star Train (Limited Edition)



Perfume Fan Service (Sweet)


Chocolate Disco Single:
CDJapan: Fan Service (Sweet) – Bluray
CDJapan: Fan Service (Sweet) – DVD