News: Ohno Satoshi’s Arashi Discovery to end on 31st March

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So if you’re an Arashi fan, you may already have heard the news. Ohno’s radio program Arashi Discovery will end at the end of this month. The news was announced by Ohno during the show itself two days ago on the 16th of March.

Here’s a rough translation of the tweet:

A notice to everyone, in March Morning Steps will end, and my schedule will shift to DJ for a different program on weekday nights. Also, the corner “Ohno Satoshi’s ARASHI DISCOVERY’ airing in the second half of 6am will also end in March. Ohno Satoshi-san’s last appearance on FYoko will be on the 31st of March (Friday). Thank you Ohno-kun.

Ok… So let me step back a little and give some background info to those who has no idea what’s going on.

Arashi Discovery is a short radio program by Arashi member, Ohno Satoshi. The program is a corner in DJ Kurihara’s radio show, Morning Steps, airing on FM Yokohama. The corner airs 5 times a week on weekdays from 6:45 am to 7:16 am. It first started on the 1st of Oct, 2002, and has been airing for 14.5 years.

Come end March, DJ Kurihara’s Morning Steps will be ending, and so will Arashi Discovery.

So that’s the news.

I really enjoy listening to Arashi Discovery… Ohno often talks about random happenings in his life, share his random thoughts… Or answer questions from the listeners, often in an absolutely hysterical manner. It’s a great way to start the day… I’m definitely going to miss the show! I really hope Ohno will do another radio show, or have some other platform to express his thoughts. From Arashi, Sho has his jweb blog Otonoha, Jun also has a jweb blog Enjoy… Aiba has a radio show Recomen and Nino has his radio show Baystorm. Ok, Ohno has a jweb blog too, but he basically shares 1 drawing a year, with a single line title. No kidding. These platforms are a great way for them to just talk about random things, share a bit of their life to the fans… So I really hope that Ohno would have another radio show or something to connect with us fans too!