News: NEWS to be main personality for 24-hour TV

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It has been revealed that NEWS will be the main personality for this year’s “24 Hour TV~39~Love Saves the Earth~” (24時間テレビ39 愛は地球を救う) program. This marks the second time that NEWS will serve as main personalities, after their previous appearance in 2009.

This was announced on the 28th of Mar, on the show 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話2時間スペシャル (Jinsei ga kawaru 1 funkan no fukaiihanashi 2 jikan supesharu), roughly translated as “The deep talk on the life changing minute, 2 hour special”. This was revealed towards the end of the show, when NEWS member Kato was interviewed by Kuroyanagi Tetsuko.

For the event, NEWS members Koyama Keiichiro, Masuda Takahisa, Kato Shigeaki, and Tegoshi Yuya will take on various location shoots in line with the event’s theme.

“24-hour TV” is a yearly charity event by the Nippon TV (NTV) that started in 1978. Funds raised from the event are used in three broad areas, social – aid for the elderly and disabled, environmental – projects to beautify Japan and improve the environment, and disaster relief – aid in disasters both within Japan and overseas.

The concept of ‘main personalities’ for the event started in 2003 with TOKIO. Every year the main personality has been a Johnny’s group/artist(s) ever since.