Japanese vocab roundup

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I’ve been in the habit of occasionally posting some Japanese words that captures my interest when I’m watching shows, or doing translations. Since we decided to start this blog, I’ll be mass reposting the vocabs from my blog over. Here’s a list of all the more… random vocabulary from my blog.

All definitions are from jisho.org.

いのしし(猪)- Wild boar
This one appeared in the 27th Feb VSA. I’d know what it means if i see the kanji (which means pig in Chinese), but now I know how it’s pronounced in Japanese.

ありがち – common/usual
Been wanting to at least… know Arashi song lyrics better for a while now, so was looking at the lyrics of Sync on yarukizero‘s blog. And this phrase was in the third line. Now I finally know what it means. There are a ton of kanji that I don’t know in their songs, and a lot of which I know the pronunciation only because it appeared in their songs…


So anyway…. I’m starting to pay more attention while watching my shows now so that I can expand my vocab. Here’s a few new words I picked up from watching the 8th Mar TSD (Aiba cut only).

risu (りす)- Squirrel
I heard this before, definitely. (On previous episodes of TSD I guess) But I couldn’t quite remember what it was.

kurumi 胡桃 (くるみ) – walnut. I definitely didn’t know this.

kinkan (キンカン) – kumquat or cumquat. I think i ate it once or twice before, but now i know what its called in English AND Japanese. Hahaha. I didn’t even know what kumquat was till I googled.


A few words I learnt from the 6th Mar VSA episode…

ポロリ – Fall

しつこい – 1: insistent; obstinate; persistent; tenacious;
2: too rich (taste, etc.); fatty; heavy; greasy


トルコ (toruko)- Turkey. Not the bird that you eat at Christmas! But the place!
Second time I came across this word and hard to check the meaning, cos I forgot it the first time round after I checked! The first time was… during VSA or something? I can’t remember… but the second instance came in the Nino-san review I did. When the newbie AD went to eat Turkish ice cream! XD

零れ (こぼれ,kobore) – Spill, leftovers.
This came during the 8th June Aiba Manabu. And I think they were referring to this word in the short Music Day promotion clip I did when they were like yelling ‘tadabore’ over and over again. And I tried search over and over but I couldn’t for the death of me find what ‘tadabore’ meant. Until that was finished and released and I was doing Aiba Manabu. Damn! On hindsight now I guess they meant ‘tada kobore’? But back then me searching for ‘tada bore’, or more specifically ‘bore’ yielded no results…. damn!

皺 (しわ, shiwa) – wrinkle; crease. ripple
Again, appeared in that same Aiba Manabu episode. They were trying to straighten out the ripples on the edge of the frying pan!

生まれ変わり (うまれかわり, umaremawari) – Rebirth; reincarnation.
Last word for today! They’ve used this word before in their shows and I’ve searched the meaning before…  but when I came across the word again during Sho’s shampoo CM I was once again wondering if it meant ‘born again and changed’ or just ‘born again’ and I had to check to be sure. Because this phrase is made of two parts! 生まれ (うまれ) means born, and 変わり (かわり) means change…. so yeah. But I guess when you are reborn you are already changed… hahaha! XD


Hmm finally. Japanese words. Been wanting to post this for a while now. Remember my previous post where I talked about the word 零れ? Well. I was thinking about the one and only Arashi song that I made flashcards of the vocab on quiz let (more on that in a while), and I felt like shooting myself. It’s there. The very same word. In the lyrics, at the beginning. Pifft. And I have, obviously, forgotten that word. Well not really. I guessed the meaning when I heard it in AM but I wanted to be sure. But there and then I certainly didn’t remember that this word came from Fly.

Just gonna introduce two words for now…
石鹸 (せっけん, Sekken) – Soap

女々しい (めめしい, memeshi) – Effeminate.
Now this is a word that I can guess the Japanese meaning, but need to search up the definition of the translation to check that I guessed right.  Yes, my vocab is pretty sucky. So well, here’s the definition of effeminate: (of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly.

Finally. Last thing of the post! Quizlet. I’ve been using it for some time, and I’ve decided to share some of the lists with you girls. Just two lists for now. Random Japanese words over here. And words from the song Fly, over here. Nope, there is no romanji in the cards.

Edit: Maybe I’ll add romanji in later… or maybe not, I’ve not been using Quizlet much since.


素顔 (すがお, sugao) –

1. Face with no make-up; unpainted face.
2. Honesty; frankness.

As I tried to explain earlier… it can be used in a more… broad? sense to mean showing a person’s true/real self. And that’s how it is often used when you watch their variety shows. Like seeing the real self of XXX guest on AnShi etc…

阿片 (アヘン, ahen) – Opium
Well this was from Kenshin movie. It’s not the first time I came across this word. Well the first would be when I watched Kenshin anime hahaha! XD But yup, if you watch either the movie or anime, you’ll hear them say this word like… a million times XD


Okays. Now for some Japanese words!
紐 (ひも, himo) – 1. String; cord. 2. Man who is financially dependent on a woman (such as a gigolo or, in the case of a prostitute, a pimp); pimp.

Came across this word in the latest episode of Aiba Manabu. Those string like pieces of dried gourd. Which brings us to the next word.

乾瓢 (かんぴょう, Kanpyou) – Strips of dried gourd.
See how its made in Aiba Manabu! XD

邦楽 (ほうがく, hougaku) – Japanese music (esp. traditional japanese music)

洋楽 (ようがく, yougaku) – Western music; european music.
The last two are from the latest AnShi. When they were guess which song will ‘up your feminine levels’. Well you ought to come across the word 洋楽 pretty often, but 邦楽 not so much.


Because it’s been a really long time since I last posted any words…

神籤 (みくじ, mikuji) – Fortune slip (usu. bought at a shrine).
It literally means God lot. Lot as in, lottery, drawing lots.

翌日 (よくじつ, yokujitsu) – Next day

拘り (こだわり, kodawari)

1. Obsession; fixation; hangup; determination; fastidiousness; pickiness about (trait, style, etc.).Usually written using kana alone

2. Complaining; criticizing.

仕草 (しぐさ, shigusa) – Action; acting; gesture; bearing; treatment; behavior; behaviour.

句読点 (くとうてん, kutouten) – Punctuation mark; punctuation marks

読点 (とうてん, touten) – Comma

句点 (くてん, kuten) – Period; full stop.

So 句読点 literally means periods and comma. I.e. punctuation marks. Interesting eh?

言い損なう (いいそこなう, iisokonau) – To say by mistake; to make a slip of the tongue.

狸 (たぬき, tanuki) – Racoon dog

好調 (こうちょう, kouchyou) – Favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape.

故郷に錦を飾る (こきょうににしきをかざる, kokyou ni nishiki o kazaru) – To come home in triumph; to return to one’s hometown in glory.

Most of the words were from the Nep league ChocoJun (his first ChocoJun appearance) episode…

This was from translating the transcript of the video where a man was arrested for uploading TV shows and dramas in Japan.
無断 (むだん, mudan) – Without permission; without notice.
You hear that a lot in the video. You probable can guess what it means even without reading my translations right?
掲載 (けいさい, keisai) – Noun 1. Publication (e.g. article in paper); appearance; insertion.
Suru verb 2. To insert (e.g. an article); to run (e.g. in a newspaper); to carry (e.g. an article); to post (e.g. on the web).
Well in this case though, they clearly mean uploading the video to a streaming site, so I translated it as upload rather then publish, or whatever other dictionary definition jisho.org has given me.
逮捕 (たいほ , taiho) – Arrest; apprehension; capture.
This one is easy. You hear it all the time… don’t you? Eh? You don’t? It’s just me? Oh okays… *sulks in a corner*
容疑者 (ようぎしゃ, yougisha) – Suspect (person)
Another easy one. At least for me. 容疑 means suspect, as in, suspicion, charge. 者 (しゃ, sha) means person. So you see other types of “者” around. Like 被害者 (ひがいしゃ, higaisha), which means victim; injured party; sufferer. Or 作者 (さくしゃ, sakusha) which means author; authoress; writer; composer; artist.
警察 (けいさつ, keisatsu) – Police
Another very simple one! If you have watched say, kagi heya, or mikeneko, or nazodi, or lucky 7, or platina data…. you would have heard this word multiple times.
耐える (たえる, taeru) – To bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with.
幼なじみ (おさななじみ, osananajimi) – Childhood friend; friend from infancy; old playmate
援護射撃 (えんごしゃげき engojyakeki) – 1. (providing) covering fire. 2. Supporting (backing up) someone (in a debate or argument)