A friend shared this really hilarious meme to me, and I just had to share it here.
Oh the things that can happen when you don’t know the language!
Gummies? Grandma? In Tokyo? During Christmas?
It’s funny that I see a number of people asking about this sentence, because apparently it never gets subbed in animes. Or TV shows. Because… Why would they?
Here’s what the sentence actually sounds like:
Kono bangumi wa goran no suponsaa no teikyou de okuri shimasu.
What does it mean? Very simple. It just means:
This program is brought to you by the following sponsors.
No wonder no one bothers to translate it huh?
Let’s break down the sentence into the individual components.
この (kono) – this
番組 (ばんぐみ, bangumi) – program
は (wa) – particle, ‘is’ in this case
ご覧 (ごらん, goran) – look, see. (polite form)
の (no) – particle, indicates possession
スポンサー (suponsaa) – sponsor
の (no) – particle, indicates possession
提供 (ていきょう, teikyou) – sponsoring, as in the verb
で (de) – particle, indicating the flow of action
お送りします。- sent (polite form)
Why the word ‘see’? Because after the message, a slew of sponsor logos and names are displayed as a white overlay on the TV.
So now you know. Whenever you hear that message, grandma isn’t sending you gummies bears from Tokyo for Christmas.