Blog: New Beginnings

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Hi all!

It’s been a while since the last update on Nihongo Manabu, for that I apologise. It’s been a tiring past few months. I took up a new job in late April and let’s just say that I’ve been really busy and tired at work. That, together with my massive backlog of Arashi shows to watch has kept me rather busy and I’ve been neglecting my ‘online life’ as a result.

The good news though, is that in trying to catch up with my backlog of Arashi shows, I’ve finally reached a point where it’s not been updated in the Arashi ni Shiyagare episode guide. Yup, J was previously updating the guide, but work and real life too has gotten the better of her. So now I’ll be updating the guide as I continue tackling the backlog. Another good news is that I’ve been enjoying the show Gutto! Sports a lot! I’m currently only a few months into the show, but I’ve been taking note of the guest and I’ll start an episode guide for that variety show too. Perhaps when I finish a few more episodes? Or maybe all of last year’s episodes? Either way it’ll be a ‘work in progress’ until I can eventually and finally catch on to the current episodes… Which admittedly seems to be a task that’ll take me forever to accomplish.

As for the Japanese learning parts of the blog… I’ll continue working on it and come up with new articles on and off! For now though, I’m still getting used to my new job and still trying to adapt. The hours are definitely longer than my previous job and I’m having trouble getting used to having to wake up so early.

Thank you for your support of the blog thus far! And please continue to check back for more updates!