Author Archives: Coolohoh

News Commentary: SMAP has disbanded, Everyone but Kimura Takuya leaving Johnny’s?

UPDATE: While this news has been reported by Sports Nippon, no sources has been stated. JE has released a statement saying that this possibility is being discussed, but no decision has been made yet. Will SMAP really disband? I guess we’ll have to wait… UPDATE 2: Johnny’s has finally released an official statement regarding this. Basically, the rumour does have some… Read more »

Vocabs: Around the desk – Part 1

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Hi! A new series of vocabs coming up! It’ll be a list of things you might see around your desk. At least… It’s the stuff I have around on my very messy desk. Here goes, the first series of 10 words. 机 (つくえ, tsukue) – desk 椅子 (いす, isu) – chair, stool ペン (pen) – pen シャープペンシル (shaapopenshiru) – mechanical… Read more »

Blog: Unboxing the Miyagi Blast

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Remember the post about Arashi BLAST in Miyagi DVD? Well, my copy has arrived! It arrived on Monday actually… But Monday was my day off, and my whole family was out. And I only saw that on Tuesday as I was putting on my shoes and heading out to work. Luckily for me though, the package has been placed in… Read more »

Happy New Year!

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As the clock strikes 12 in Japan… A new year descends upon us. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2016 bring plenty of opportunities and good fortune to you all, and may your Japanese learning endeavors come to fruition! I will continue striving to make Nihongo Manabu a better site, with more content… Read more »

Vocabs: Fruits and Vegetables 3

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Check out Part 1 and Part 2 as well! チンゲン菜 (チンゲンサイ, chingensai) – bok-choy (Brassica rapa var. chinensis); Chinese cabbage; bok choi; pak choi 菠薐草 (ほうれんそう, hourensou) – spinach 小松菜 (こまつな, komatsuna) – Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) 空芯菜 (くうしんさい, kuushinsai) – Chinese water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica); ong choy; kang kong; water morning glory; water convolvulus; swamp cabbage; hung tsai;… Read more »

Vocabs: Merry Christmas!

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Season greetings everyone! With Christmas just round the corner… I thought I’d post some holiday season related Japanese vocabulary! Of course, since it’s a holiday originating from the west, with loads of western terms, expect plenty of words in katakana. What’s even more interesting though, is that many ‘versions’ of the same word exist, because they adapted that same word… Read more »

Vocabs: TV Life 28th Feb 15 snippet

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Just some words from a very short snippet from the magazine. 魅力 (みりょく, miryoku) – charm; fascination; glamour; glamor; attraction; appeal Ohno talked about the appeal and charm of the songs in their first single of 2015, Sakura. 心境 (しんきょう, shinkyou) – mental state グラビア (gurabia) – gravure; photogravure; rotogravure; gravure picture インパクト (inpakuto) – impact The song sakura has an impactful… Read more »

Blog: Always $2

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Have you heard of Daiso? Also commonly known as the 100 yen shop in Japan. Well, Daiso is but one of the many 100 yen shops… but it’s the only one that made it to Singapore. And many other countries too. It’s in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines… and many more. Check their website… Read more »

Kanji Spotlight: Lossing Iron

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Hi! So… I was really busy last weekend and didn’t manage to get this post out…. this is a little late but enjoy! Following the previous week’s kanji spotlight post, this week we’ll talk about a related kanji! Remember I talked about how the kanji 金 can be a radical? That’s right! When 金 is part of a kanji as a radical…… Read more »

Kanji Spotlight: Go for Gold

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Hi! It’s been a while since I did the last kanji spotlight! The word I’m going to introduce is gold! This is gold. Well. Not literally, but the gold kanji. “Wait! Isn’t that the kanji for money?” You ask. Yup! That’s right. The kanji has two pronunciations. It can be read as kin, which would mean gold – both the… Read more »