Author Archives: Coolohoh

Vocabs: Sakurai Sho’s Ichimen with Uchimura Kohei – News Zero 8th Feb 2016

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As usual, I will put up a list of some interesting vocabulary used in the Ichimen segment reviewed. If you are looking for the review, it’s over here. 体操 (たいそう, taisou) – gymnastics; physical exercises; calisthenics In this Ichimen, they are talking about the gymnast, Uchimura Kohei. 鉄棒 (てつぼう, tetsubou) 1. iron rod; iron bar; iron club 2. horizontal bar (gymnastics)… Read more »

Review: Sakurai Sho’s Ichimen with Uchimura Kohei – News Zero 8th Feb 2016

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In this instalment of Ichimen, newscaster Sakura Sho interviews the gymnast Uchimura Kohei. With just half a year to go till the Rio 2016 Olympics, Sho interviews Uchimura Kohei, the ‘King of Gymnastics’ who also won gold four years ago at the London Olympics. With an unprecedented 6 consecutive gold medals at the world championships, Uchimura Kohei stands at the… Read more »

Vocabulary: Sakurai Sho’s Ichimen – News Zero 18 Jan 2016

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Here are some noteworthy vocabulary from the 18th Jan 2016 news zero ichimen segment. You can read a review I did of the segment here. 降雪 (こうせつ, kousetsu) – snowfall; snow 路面 (ろめん, romen) – road surface 数日 (すうじつ, suujitsu) – few days 数日間 (すうじつかん, suujitsukan) – several day period 当日 (とうじつ, toujitsu) – appointed day; very day 翌日 (よくじつ, yokujitsu)… Read more »

Review: Sakurai Sho’s Ichimen – News Zero 18 Jan 2016

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Today, I’ll do a short review of the 18th Jan 2016 News Zero Ichimen segment. In this Ichimen, they talk about the cold weather in Japan, and precautions to take to stay safe. First, let’s look at the tweet from the Tokyo fire department. The most important point to note is that snow related accidents occurred mostly on the days… Read more »

Review: Sakurai Sho’s Ichimen – News Zero 11 Jan 2016

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Hi! Today I’d like to do a little review of Sho’s Ichimen corner. I’m just catching up to watching their shows from last year, hence the reason why this review is from an episode that aired so long ago… But it’s interesting anyway. For those of you who don’t know, Ichimen (一面) actually means “one aspect” or “one side”. It’s… Read more »

Say What? Snakes and Prawns

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Introducing a new segment on Nihongo Manabu! Say What? aims to discuss words and phrases that are easily confused. In this first post, let’s talk about two fairly similar sounding words, へび (hebi) and えび (ebi). The two words might sound similar, and they do indeed both refer to a type of animal, they couldn’t have more different meanings. While you… Read more »

Hello 2017

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明けましておめでとうございます! Happy new year everyone! Whether 2016 has been exciting or nonchalant, fulfilling or lacking, it’s over and it’s time to look forward to the new year ahead. 2016 has been really eventful for me, and not always in a good way. Hopefully 2017 will be better! Here at Nihongo Manabu, I’ll continue working hard in 2017 to bring you… Read more »

Vocabs: Travel

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This week we’ll explore some travel related vocabulary! Modes of transportation will not be covered in this post, please refer to my Types of Transport post instead. 旅行 (りょこう, ryokou) – travel; trip 旅 (たび, tabi) – travel; trip; journey ツアー (tsuaa) – tour 観光旅行 (かんこうりょこう, kankouryokou) – (sightseeing) tour ガイド (gaito) – guide; tour guide; conductor; guiding; leading ツアーガイド (tsuaagaito) – tour… Read more »

Vocabs: Occupations 3

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This week, we’ll continue our exploration of various occupations in Japanese. 料理人 (りょうりにん, ryouriin) – cook; chef 給仕 (きゅうじ, kyuuji) 1. waiting on a table; serving (at dinner) 2. waiter; waitress; waitperson; server; cabin boy; bellboy; page; pageboy 3. office boy; office girl ウェイター (ueitaa) – waiter ベルボーイ (berubooi) – bellboy ポーター (pootaa) – porter 弁護士 (べんごし, bengoshi) – lawyer;… Read more »

2017 Anime, Manga, Japanese Idol Calendars

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It’s that time of the year again, when we get ready to wrap up the old year and welcome the new. How has your year been? Whether it’s been good, bad, or merely average, it’s about time to look ahead and start preparing for 2017. Whether it’s for planning your week, brightening up your wall or desk, these calendars will be sure… Read more »