Vocabs: Merry Christmas!

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Season greetings everyone!

With Christmas just round the corner… I thought I’d post some holiday season related Japanese vocabulary! Of course, since it’s a holiday originating from the west, with loads of western terms, expect plenty of words in katakana. What’s even more interesting though, is that many ‘versions’ of the same word exist, because they adapted that same word from different languages. E.g. English and French.

This is a pretty long list, since I’ve included the various ‘forms’ for each word. So brace yourselves! Once again, definitions are taken from jisho.org.

クリスマス (kurisumasu) – Christmas

ノエル (noeru) – Christmas (From the French word, Noel)

聖誕祭 (せいたんさい, seitansai) – Christmas (Literally means holy birthday)

クリスマスイヴ (kurisumasu ivu) – Christmas Eve

クリスマスキャロル (kurisumasu kyaroru) – Christmas carol

クリスマスツリー (kurisumasu tsurii) – Christmas tree

十二月 (じゅうがつ, juunigatsu) – December

休暇 (きゅうか, kyuuka) – holiday; day off; furlough; absence (from work)

サンタ (santa) – Santa

サンタクロース (santakurousu) – Santa Claus

馴鹿 (となかい, tonakai) – reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

赤鼻のトナカイ (あかはなのトナカイ, akaihana no tonakai) – Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


宿り木 (やどりぎ, yadoriki)
1. mistletoe (esp. European mistletoe, Viscum album)
2. parasitic plant

煙突 (えんとつ, entotsu) – chimney; smokestack; funnel (of a ship); stovepipe

スレイベル (sureiberu) – Jingle bell, sleigh bell

ジングルベル (jinguruberu) – Jingle bell

雪 (ゆき, yuki) – Snow

雪だるま (ゆきだるま, yukidaruma) – Snowman

This word is cute, because daruma is the black and red tumbling doll, and yuki is snow.

スノーマン (Sunooman) – Snowman

雪玉 (ゆきだま, yukidama) – Snowball

雪合戦 (ゆきがっせん, yukigassen) – Snowball fight

橇 (そり, sori) – sleigh; sled; sledge

馬そり (ばそり, basori) – horse-drawn sleigh



飾り (かざり, kazari) – decoration

天使 (てんし, tenshi) – angel

妖精 (ようせい, yousei) – fairy; sprite; elf

エルフ (erufu) – elf


暖炉 (だんろ, danro) – fireplace; hearth; stove

松 (まつ, matsu) – pine tree (Pinus spp.)

松かさ (まつかさ, matsukasa) – pinecone; pine cone

ポインセチア (poinsechia) – poinsettia

贈り物 (おくりもの, okurimono) – present; gift

Food たべもの

ミンチパイ (minchipai) – mince pie

ブッシュ・ド・ノエル (busshu do noeru) – bûche de Noël; Yule log (cake) (From French)

七面鳥 (しちめんちょう, shichimenchou) – turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

フルーツケーキ (furuutsucaaki) – fruitcake

プラムプディング (puramupudingu) – Christmas pudding; plum pudding

キャンディケイン (kyandikein) – candycane

ジンジャーブレッド (jinjyaaburetto) – gingerbread

ヘクセンハウス (ekusenhausu) – gingerbread house (From German “Hexenhaus”)

ココア (kokoa) – cocoa (beverage, cocoa solids); hot chocolate

ショコラショー (shokorashoo) – hot chocolate (From French “chocolat chaud”)

ホットチョコレート (hottochokoreeto) – hot chocolate

シードル (shiitoru) – cider (From French “cidre”)

サイダー (saidaa)
1. carbonated beverage, esp. fruit flavored
2. cider

Clothes ふく:

手袋 (ぶくろ, tebukuro) – glove; mitten; mitt

ミトン (miton) – mitten

スカーフ (sukaafu) – scarf

マフラー (mafuraa) – muffler (garment, vehicle); scarf

かんじき (kanjiki) – snowshoe

セーター (seetaa) – sweater; jumper

靴下 (くつした, kutsushita) – socks; sock; stockings; stocking