Vocabs: Arashi Kirin 60s and 30s group CMs

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For the 60s CM, that aired in 2014

Vocabs! Just two vocabs since it’s such a short video.
興味津々 (きょうみしんしん, kyoumi shinshin) PS: Typo earlier, it’s shinshin as per the hiragana
1. very interesting; of absorbing interest; having a keen interest (in); being immensely curious (about)
興味 means curious, interest… and 津々 means overflowing, endless.
Oh and if you’re wondering… 々 just indicates that you’re repeating the kanji before it. So you don’t have to write out the previous kanji. Like 色々 (iroiro), meaning various. It actually is saying ‘色色’.

喉越し (のどごし, nodogoshi)
1. feeling of food or drink going down one’s throat
It’s often used to talk about beer -says beta.jisho.org. The Japanese really love their alcohol. 🙂

PS: For those who don’t know, beer head refers to the frothy foam that forms on top of beer.

For the 30s CM that aired in early 2015

Vocab list!

It’s been a while since I did this huh? XD Just 3 vocabs to share from this extremely short clip.
醸造家 (じょうぞうか, jyouzouka)
1. brewer
Further breakdown: 醸造 means brewing; distillation. 家 refers to people.

合わせる (あわせる, awaseru)
1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)
2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
3. to face; to be opposite (someone)
4. to compare; to check with
5. to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate)
6. to place together; to connect; to overlap
7. to mix; to combine
8. to put blade to blade; to fight
Woah woah woah. Have you fainted from the long list of definition yet? No? Ok good. The word used in the CM was the -te form of this verb. i.e. 合わせて. “それぞれの地域合わせて…” Or something to that effect, just recalling it from memory…. well let’s look at the next word before I explain further.

地域 (ちいき, chiiki)
1. area; region

So if you look at the sentence once more, and break down the meanings…

それぞれ (each; respectively) の (particle indicating possessive) 地域 (area; region) 合わせて
And then you look back at the long list of possible definitions for 合わせて… you’ll realize that in this sentence (at least, the sentence in the CM), it means something like to match (i.e. the first definition). It’s a bit harder to phrase it in English IMO… though a more direct way of phrasing it in Chinese exists (配合).

All definitions from jisho.org