Vocabs: Arashi Sakura PV making

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Some pick up vocab from Arashi single, Sakura PV making.

All definitions courtesy of http://jisho.org/

花弁 (はなびら, hanabira)
1. (flower) petal.

I knew flowers, stem, fruit, branch… but I never knew the word petals still Sakura came out! The making and the Music Station performances… I bet after watching this you’ll never forget the word ‘hanabira’!

楽勝 (らくしょう, rakushou)
1. Easy victory.

Straight forward meaning. Sometimes you hear this in VSA… and I distinctly remember it in Ohno’s SP drama kyou no hi wa sayonara. He thought chemotherapy was an ‘楽勝’ for the first three days. Well in the making, the narrator used to term to describe Aiba’s look, that he’s probably thinking it’s an ‘楽勝’ cos they aren’t dancing.

落語 (らくご, rakugo)
1. Rakugo; traditional japanese comic storytelling; comic story (told by a professional storyteller).

Ah Nino’s new drama role as the 落語家 (らくごか, rakugoka), or the professional comic storyteller.

台詞 (せりふ, serifu)
1. Speech; words; one’s lines; remarks.

Another commonly used word. Whenever they have a drama, they’ll very likely talking about their lines i.e. 台詞 in the drama. Or about how they are memorising it etc.

咲く (さく, saku)
1. To bloom.

Simple word. Blooming of the flowers… Like the song Sakura Sake. It’s not ‘sake’ as in 酒 or wine (or even 鮭 salmon!!!!), but rather 咲け as in ‘bloom’.

枯れる (かれる, kareru)
1. To wither (of a plant); to be blasted; to die.
2. To mature (of one’s personality, abilities, etc.).

Here it was the first meaning used. Talking about the old tree…

無口 (むくち, mukuchi)
1. Reticence; taciturnity.

For once Nino was taciturn… because he was busy memorizing his lines.

個展 (こてん, koten)
1. Solo exhibition; one-man exhibition; one-woman exhibition.

Yes! Oh-chan! When will you hold your next solo exhibit? XD

和やか (なごやか, nagoyaka)
1. Mild; calm; gentle; quiet; harmonious.

The narrator used this a number of time. About how ‘和やか’ Arashi are.

野外 (やがい, yagai)
1. Outdoors; outside; open air.

自然 (しぜん, shizen)
1. Nature; spontaneity.
2. Naturally; spontaneously.

Another very common word, you often hear it on their varieties. Like XXX person does YYY naturally. An example sentence: shizen ni YYY yarimashita. (Naturally did YYY. Or spontaneously, depending on context.)

厄介 (やっかい, yakkai)
1. Trouble; burden; nuisance; bother; worry.
2. Care; dependence; support; kindness; obligation; staying (with a person).

Nino. And his troll replies. Koko-poi? No idea what he’s saying (looked through the possible definitions and they don’t seem to make sense?) and I guess it wasn’t supposed to make sense either. LOL!

朝礼 (ちょうれい, chourei)
1. Morning assembly (company, school, etc.); pep talk.

Breaking down the words 朝 (pronounced as asa when alone) mean morning, and 礼 (rei) means salute/ceremony.

気配り (きくばり, kikubari)
1. Care; attentiveness; attention; consideration (for others); solicitude.

目配り (めくばり, mekubari)
1. Being watchful; keeping watch; keeping an eye open.

Together with 気配り above, the narrator used these words to describe how Jun detailed and caring Jun was for noticing the petal on Nino’s head and removing them.

揃わない (そろわない, sorowanai)
1. Unequal; uneven; incomplete; odd.

Arashi was incomplete a lot in this PV. Very few scenes with all 5 of them together!

対峙 (たいじ, taiji)
1. Confrontation; standing facing each other (e.g. mountains, buildings).
2. Squaring off against (adversaries, armies, forces); standing off against; holding one’s own with.

Jun, and his old tree square off! XD

阿吽 (あうん, aun)
1. Om; aun; syllable representing the primordial trinity of vishnu, shiva and brahma. Usually written using kana alone, From Sanskrit
2. Inspiration and expiration; respiration; alpha and omega.

This was heard somewhere near the end… Thankfully I had wikipedia to come to my rescue for this one. I quote from wiki: “The term a-un is used figuratively in some Japanese expressions as “a-un breathing” (阿吽の呼吸 a-un no kokyū) or “a-un relationship” (阿吽の仲 a-un no naka), indicating an inherently harmonious relationship or non-verbal communication.”

I guess it’s not a very common phrase? But it was nice to learn about it.

切ない (せつない, setsunai)
1. Painful; heartrending; trying.
2. Oppressive; suffocating; miserable.