Have a Discount!

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Pork sold at the supermarker

So I got a message from J today, asking me what the words on the yellow sticker mean.

Well, good news! I hope you bought that pack of Okinawa pork because… It’s on offer!

Let’s see what’s on the yellow sticker:


レジ – cashier

本体価格 (ほんたいかかく) – pre-tax price

割引き (わりびき) – tenths discounted

So yup, that pack of meat is 30% off at the cashier! Ok great… But what meat is that?


沖縄県 (おきなわけん) – Okinawa prefecture

産 (さん) – product of

長寿 (ちょうじゅ) – longevity

豚 (ぶた) – pork

小間切れ肉 (こまぎれにく) – finely sliced or minced meat

Great, so that’s a pack of sliced Okinawa erm… longevity pork? Well, that ‘longevity’ is the brand of the pork! It’s described as Okinawa’s pride!

So there we have it, a pack of sliced pork at 30% off pre-tax price.


Just for fun, here are the rest of the kanji on the pack and the meanings:

税込価格 (ぜいこみかく) – price with tax included

So the pack of meat costs 273 yen before tax, and 295 yen after tax – before the discount that is.

賞味期限 (しょうげん) – best before date

保存 (ぞん) – storage

温度 (おんど) – temperature

以下 (か) – below

I.e.: Store the meat below 4°C