Blog: JLPT and Waku Waku Gakkou

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Hi all! It’s been a busy few weeks for me… Mainly because JLPT is coming really soon and I’ve been trying to study…Wondering if I’ve gone ahead of myself but it’s too late to do anything but study now.

I promise I’ll get back to making posts with more substantial content soon!

As for Arashi’s waku waku gakkou, it has started! No live streaming this year sadly… I certainly hope that it’ll be on DVD though. I’ve got a friend to buy me a Arashi clear file from the event. Though I doubt I’ll really use the file…

I’ve heard a little here and there about the event through the grapevines and I’m definitely eager to read some more complete fan reports.

Alright, that’s all for my very short update for now! I’ll be back soon!