Tag Archives: blog

Blog: Greetings and updates

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Hi folks! So I’ve trying to get back on track with regular updates for the site. I’m aiming for at least two updates a month… (Ideally it’ll be a weekly thing, but well…) Maybe something short, just a simple vocabularly item, or well, anything at all. It’s been one heck of a year, and so much has changed. For one,… Read more »

Blog: 99.9 season 2 first thoughts

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Miyama is back! And this time we have a new female lawyer for him to blanter with! Maiko used to work as a judge, and she has a completely opposite viewpoint of Miyama when it comes to criminal cases. Faced with seemingly insurmountable evidence, she advised the defendant to plead guilty in exchange for a more lenient sentence. On the… Read more »

Blog: New Beginnings

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Hi all! It’s been a while since the last update on Nihongo Manabu, for that I apologise. It’s been a tiring past few months. I took up a new job in late April and let’s just say that I’ve been really busy and tired at work. That, together with my massive backlog of Arashi shows to watch has kept me… Read more »

Hello 2017

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明けましておめでとうございます! Happy new year everyone! Whether 2016 has been exciting or nonchalant, fulfilling or lacking, it’s over and it’s time to look forward to the new year ahead. 2016 has been really eventful for me, and not always in a good way. Hopefully 2017 will be better! Here at Nihongo Manabu, I’ll continue working hard in 2017 to bring you… Read more »

Blog: Countdown to Are You Happy?

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10 more days till the release of the “Are You Happy?” album! あさです Don’t you get it MV 大宮のわちゃわちゃとか5人のアピールとか大野さんのダンスとか pic.twitter.com/s4CVyJcF4i — 青 あ め (@wtamst) October 12, 2016 嵐 Don’t you get it MV Oha4+めざましアクア めっちゃかわいい😂 pic.twitter.com/i9LkldMZ7u — けんけん (@ken2020_n) October 12, 2016 MV previews for the lead song, “Don’t You Get It” is out and it looks like a… Read more »

Blog: Japonism Concert DVD!

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Hey! It’s been a while since my last post here… I got my Japonism DVD from CDJapan one day after the release date! One thing I love about CDJapan… The EMS shipping is fast. In the past, they shipped Arashi releases on the Saturday before it was released, but I think fans and JE got unset because those overseas got… Read more »

Blog: JLPT and Waku Waku Gakkou

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Hi all! It’s been a busy few weeks for me… Mainly because JLPT is coming really soon and I’ve been trying to study…Wondering if I’ve gone ahead of myself but it’s too late to do anything but study now. I promise I’ll get back to making posts with more substantial content soon! As for Arashi’s waku waku gakkou, it has… Read more »

Blog: I seek, Daylight and Tadaima

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Have you heard? The previews of I seek, Daylight and Tadaima from Arashi’s new, yet-to-be-released single I seek/Daylight. Band member Aiba Masaki has played the songs on his radio show, Rekomen, and I’m loving the songs so far. Admittedly, out of all three, my least favourite is I seek, despite it being for the theme songs of Ohno’s drama. (Background… Read more »

Blog: I signed up for JLPT…

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Yup. I did it! On the very last day of sign ups. I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. I signed up for N1. Also signed up N3 for my sister at the same time. Now all I need to do is… Study for N2, and then N1. I’ll definitely have to restart my Arashi TV shows watching…… Read more »

Blog: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

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Hi everyone! I apologize, it’s been a long time since the site got an update. Life got the better of me after the Chinese New year break. Work, play, a visit from Octavia to Singapore… and then more work. Just never got into the mood to write anything till now. Anyhow… It’s that time of the year again… The time… Read more »